I am decidedly indecisive tonight…

I actually have a number of potential blog topics lined up now, and I can’t decide which one to do next…

  • “What I Learned In School Today: The Burden of Proof for Art Historians is Somewhat Lower Than For ‘Harder’ Sciences” (the Trois-Freres “Sorcerer”)
  • “What I Learned In School Today: Socrates Thinks Shrinkwrap Licenses Are Good”
  • Why Microbial Fuel Cells Work
  • What’s a “Clone Library”? (Since I’m trying to make one…)
  • Attention Getting Ploys for the Blog (should I promise to drink a cup of Lysogeny Broth when I reach 25 active readers?…)
  • What I Would Do With “Blogging Scholarship” Money (build my Hillbilly Biotech lab, and blog it.)
  • The Office of Technology Assessment Is Not Enough (arrogant amateur policy thoughts…)
  • What I Want To Be When I “Grow Up” (in a manner of speaking).

Anything in particular interest any of you regular or accidental (e.g. GoogleŽ-searchers) readers?

And, yes, I will follow through with the Lime JellOŽ experiment as promised soon.