This is your brain. This is your brain on Microbiology…

In an effort to eat a relatively healthy diet, I occasionally eat pieces of wholesome, natural fruit.

There, I’ve admitted it. I can no longer live the lie that I only eat junk-food. Of course, to maintain some appearance of having a normal mainstream type of diet, I at least tend to go for the pre-cut fruit mixtures – I’ve got way too much going on to have time to prepare cut fruit salad from scratch.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I had a platter of these, still sealed in their plastic container, and didn’t get around to eating them in time. About a week after it had expired, when I went to throw it away, I saw a few little white lumps growing all over the pieces of fruit. Non-fuzzy, so I expected they were bacterial rather than fungal. Of course, there’s only one thing I could think when I saw that.

“Oh, wow! It looks like there were only about 5-8 bacterial CELLS on each piece of fruit when I got them! Those things were really CLEAN!”

(Of course, once you can SEE the colonies growing, there are a lot more than a few cells there. Each visible colony’s probably got millions of the little buggers, but each colony starts as a single cell.)

This was, of course, followed by me lamenting that I didn’t have some culture supplies and a microscope of my own to examine them with. Sigh. Anybody out there have any extra microbiology equipment you’d like to donate to a good cause?

So, what’s next? Should I try to start a series of bacterial taxonomy posts? Searches for “what’s a gram-positive?” and “what’s a gram-negative?” sorts of questions seem to be popular ways to reach this blog…